Just think I encouraged my boys to reach out to their JW mom, with this type of crap they are
spewing out screw her and all my JW family members if they don't wake up. They are becoming
a hard core C-U-L-T....
Just think I encouraged my boys to reach out to their JW mom, with this type of crap they are
spewing out screw her and all my JW family members if they don't wake up. They are becoming
a hard core C-U-L-T....
This SH--t must stop!! These fools have a warped view for love, it goes against our
human nature.
"The more one judges, the lest one loves", Honore' de Balzac.
And "never underestimate the power of stupid people in a large group", G. Carlin.
a recent post about transgender people made me think.
i think its obvious that transgenders and homosexuals are easily banned in jwdom because the people in question were clearly born with their respective sex organs.. however.
what about intersex people aka hermaphrodites?
Bible answer:John 9:2-3 "Teacher why was this man born blind? Was it a result of his
own sins or those of his parents? It was not because of his sins or his parents sins, Jesus
answered, he was born blind so the power of God could be seen in him.
OK, we have GOD playing games again. How can the power of God be seen in him???
So in the case of a hermaphrodite he or she must make it known to the world so the
power of God can be seen in him some strange way.
What do you call Angels? Angelic hermaphrodites..
when i first heard the term 'critical thinking' it was as a teenager during a watchtower study.
the study went on to elaborate how we shouldn't be swayed by critical thinking.
there was no explanation that the term didn't mean 'to criticize' thoughts and words, but rather that it means 'to objective think and to evaluate thoughts and words'.
That's why when I ask a JW about critical thinking she said one must be careful with critical
thinking. LOL
i've been reading so much lately about the pre message of the rc is about downsizing and living in bunkers.. are we getting ahead of ourselves?
living within your means has been a good piece of advice.
i do have a big house, but along with that i have to pay extra to heat it, extra work to clean it, more on residential taxes, worries about the volatile house market.
Forget condos, tiny house community is the way to go, but no loft.
A 600-700 sq. feet home would be great.Tiny house crazy is gaining a lot of momentum here
in the US. I would love to see a senior tiny house community.
seriously, you have to read the comments.
just a peek into what the general public think about jw's coming to their doors.. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3608286/father-two-accused-opening-door-jehovah-s-witness-wearing-open-superman-dressing-gown-revealing-manly-shape-cleared-exposing-himself.html#ixzz49h8vohm1.
we had a good giggle over this.
The funny part about the nudist couple story, they sat down at the dining table (nude) with the wife
breast in full view of the brother. So either the brother was blind or they had a divine intervention
blocking off the sensitive parts of the body. Wow ! JW's come up with some outrageous stories.
I did have the experience on preaching to the Mayas in Central America in the bush and the brothers
warn us, brothers keep your eyes in the Bible because the women walk around topless. Keep
your eyes on the prize.
seriously, you have to read the comments.
just a peek into what the general public think about jw's coming to their doors.. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3608286/father-two-accused-opening-door-jehovah-s-witness-wearing-open-superman-dressing-gown-revealing-manly-shape-cleared-exposing-himself.html#ixzz49h8vohm1.
we had a good giggle over this.
Anyone heard the story, a couple in FS called at the door of a couple who were nudist ?
They were invited into the home, sat down and gave a good witness.
with the news these past days that bethels in both rome and belguim are being closed does anybody know how many bethels are left worldwide?
stuckinarut2: "is this evidence of a lack of divine blessing", NO. This is the separation work the weeds
from the wheat. The same was said after 1975, Jehovah cleaning out his organization.
Every 30 or 40 years Jehovah must clean house, Apostate keep wondering into the ranks.
They scare the B-jesus out of the RF and the numbers goes up, the great crowd the end in near.
After the RF realize the GB is full of sh--t the numbers go down, it's time to chop weeds.
A vicious cycle in Jehovah's organization.
i was reading in another forum, that a letter to the elders instructed them to speak to anybody who persists in wearing tight pants.
if changes don't happen then the instructions are to disqualify him from being a publisher but it won't be announced to the congregation.
i am am curious to see if this letter will surface.
OK folks dress code in the bible, (1) no cross dressing Deut.22:5, (2) avoid Glitzy
attire 1 Tim 2; 9-10 and (3) beware of the hat, 1 Cor: 11:4-7.
The hat is questionable, the Pope wear a hat.Maybe if someone went to the KH and
really cross dressed maybe they would ease up on the tight pants.
i was reading in another forum, that a letter to the elders instructed them to speak to anybody who persists in wearing tight pants.
if changes don't happen then the instructions are to disqualify him from being a publisher but it won't be announced to the congregation.
i am am curious to see if this letter will surface.
They (GB) are comical, all the issues that face the world today they focus on
tight pants.
They remind me of Boot camp, barrack inspection in the military. No matter how
hard you worked to pass inspection they always found something to bitch about.